Extra virgin coconut oil


Coconut oil is said to modestly hike one's level of good cholesterol. It can aid in lowering obesity levels in the body and also battles insulin resistance - issues that often lead to type two diabetes.

It helps fight back against Alzheimer’s disease helps stop heart disease and high blood pressure. Coconut oil boosts energy. It aids with digestion, helps with weight loss, as it acts as a fat burner and a calorie burner.

Net Weight: 120 ML

120 ML


This coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts of Sri Lanka and is cold-pressed and unrefined.

Taste and color

This oil has Coconut scent flavor and is white in color. It may turn a bit yellow with time depending on the variety of coconuts.


Store it in a cool and dry place. Do not refrigerate.


This coconut oil is edible and is safe and healthy to be taken in diet.

Health benefits

A Boost in Good Cholesterol

Coconut oil is said to modestly hike one's level of good cholesterol.

Good for Blood Sugar and Diabetes

Coconut oil can aid in lowering obesity levels in the body and also battles insulin resistance - issues that often lead to type two diabetes.

Helps Fight Back Against Alzheimer's Disease

The MCFA component in coconut oil - especially its generation of ketones by the liver - aids in mending brain function in Alzheimer patients.

Helps Stop Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

Since coconut oil is so high in saturated fats, that helps boost HDL (or "good") cholesterol to ward off heart disease and lowering high triglycerides. Additionally, coconut oil also performs a rather remarkable and heart-healthy feat - it helps turn bad cholesterol into good cholesterol.

Aids in Liver Health

Coconut oil also guards against any damage to the liver, and also aids in curing urinary tract infections.

Boosts Energy

Unrefined coconut oil also hikes energy and endurance, primarily by its MCFA's shooting directly into the liver, which enables to be converted into energy.

Aids with Digestion

Another benefit of coconut oil - it helps with food digestion by aid the body take in fat-soluble components like vitamins and magnesium. It also eliminates toxic bacteria and candida, which fights poor digestion and stomach inflammation. That helps prevent stomach ulcers.

Acts as a Salve for Wounds and Burns

Coconut is good for the skin, especially in the treatment of wounds, burns, and dermatitis. It also acts as sunblock, and as a moisturizer for the skin, thanks to the two primary fatty acids in unrefined coconut oil, caprylic and lauric, and to its antioxidant component, which team up to reduce inflammation under the skin and promote better healing.

Acts as an Anti-aging Component

Rich with antioxidants, coconut oil is known to slow the aging process, generally by curbing any undue stress on the liver.

Helps With Weight Loss

Coconut oil also can help with weight loss, as it acts as a fat burner and a calorie burner, especially with doses of unrefined coconut oil. It also acts as an appetite suppressant. One study shows that the capric acid in coconut oil helps boost thyroid performance, which in turn reduces a body's resting heart rate and aids in burning fat for an increased energy boost.

Other benefits

Coconut oil for skin and hair

Coconut oil is good for the skin and hair. It improves their appearance. Also acts as a sunblock, and as a moisturizer for the skin.

Ways to take coconut oil

Health advocates who do tout the benefits recommend limiting your daily intake of coconut oil to two tablespoons (30 ml) - that should leave enough room in your diet for additional fat nutrients, like nuts, olive oil, and some fruits.

When taking coconut oil, you have several options, including:

Stir-fry. Coconut oil is ideally used in a pan, either via sauté or stir-fry, in a pan with beef, fish, chicken, eggs, or vegetables.

Baking. You can also ingest coconut oil by drizzling it on beef, fish or chicken before cooking in the oven. Some health advocates also recommend coconut oil as a substitute for eggs or butter in baking dishes, like curry or vegetable dishes.

Add to coffee and tea. You can also add coconut oil to coffee or tea, in moderate amounts

Why extra virgin coconut oil

This oil is called extra virgin because it is extracted from a single press from fresh coconut meat that is grated and dried for a couple of hours at a temperature lower than 40 degrees Celsius.

As there is no second press and the extraction temperatures are low, the yield per kg is much lower than other commercially used processes. This explains the higher price tag for extra virgin coconut oil.

Whereas refined Coconut Oil is mechanically expressed and is exposed to high heat. Because the oil is refined, it has less flavor and aroma.

We at Harvest use solvent extraction or cold pressed method to obtain our organic oils. Cold pressed method is used as it does not alter the chemical compounds in the oil.